Emily Stone Copper Shell Sculpture Conch Clam Limpet Starfish group

sea-shell and starfish sculptures

Sea-shells make superb shapes, and it has been great fun seeing whether I could represent them from a piece of scrap copper sheet. The results make a colourful display. I have also made larger sizes. These range in price from £45 for the smaller starfish through £125 for the largest limpet to £185 for the spider conch.

Dimensions in cm, and prices:

Limpet, large 23 8 18 – £125
Limpet med 10 4 8 – £ 65
Limpet small 8 3 6 – £ 48

Clam, large 24 5 26 – £125
Clam, med 16 4 18 – £75
Clam, small 9 2 10 – £55 (not shown)

Starfish large 35 8 35 – £95 (not shown)
Starfish med 16 3 17 – £55
Starfish small 11 2 11 – £45

Spider Conch large 25 10 35 – £265 (not shown)
Spider Conch small 15 6 21 – £185