The Full Gallery

This page may take some time to load – it’s a VERY large gallery of high-resolution images (229 at the last count). Please be patient!

Want to know the price, or how big it is? Just click on the picture.

My work is mostly animals and plants. I try to interpret the essence and character of the subject, and to express that in copper.

There is a SEARCH button on the menu selector.

My WILD ROSE is a full two metres tall and over a metre across, and contains fully-open flowers, opening blooms and buds; the leaves in contrasting colour catch the light, adding lustre and shape.

I love the sense of depth – you really need to walk around the sculpture to appreciate the this and the open space within.

Click ‘play’ to rotate the sculpture, and you’ll see what I mean.

Free-standing bouquet arrangements of three, five and seven roses; see more pictures in the specialist gallery – flowers collection.

Click any image for details of size and price; click again to see a fuller picture. Use your browser ‘back’ button to return.

Do click on images to learn more about them!

You are about one-third the way through the gallery…

Click any image for prices and sizes; click again to see a fuller picture. Use your browser ‘back’ button to return.

Click any image for prices and sizes; click again to see a fuller picture. Use your browser ‘back’ button to return.

Click any image for prices and sizes; click again to see a fuller picture. Use your browser ‘back’ button to return.

Click any image for prices and sizes; click again to see a fuller picture. Use your browser ‘back’ button to return.

There is a SEARCH button on the menu selector.

Click any image for prices and sizes; click again to see a fuller picture. Use your browser ‘back’ button to return.

There are more pictures of the bird-feeders showing different angles in the ‘Pond and Garden‘ subject gallery on the menu bar.

Where it all starts…

Contact me on 07714 106 649 or email .