Recent new flowers

Below: Roses – MANY other flowers – Dahlias
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My WILD ROSE is my most recent major piece, and it dominated my time in February and March. It is a full two metres tall and over a metre across, and contains fully-open flowers, opening blooms and buds; the leaves in contrasting colour catch the light, adding lustre and shape.
I know it’s not technically a ‘wild rose’ – which has a bush shape and smaller simpler flowers – but the spirit of this piece is so extravagant and vigorous, it seemed the right name.
I love the sense of depth – you really need to walk around the sculpture to appreciate the this and the open space within.
As with all my work, all the colour comes from heating and quenching the copper – no chemicals or additives are used, except lacquer to preserve the colours.

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Other Flowers

Echinacea: simple, instantly recognisable, adding height

Variations on a Hop Bine
I created a section of curling hop bine a few years ago as a commission, and have since developed that into the more or less complex forms which can be seen in the main gallery. Then, two years ago, I was commissioned to create a large piece to add interest and beauty to an otherwise plain concrete wall in the Sensory Garden at the Conquest Hospital, Hastings, as seen below. The new piece, created in October 2023, is a small, simple yet elegant twist of hop bine, and I’m very pleased that this has managed to capture the essence of the larger pieces: natural sculptural shape, colour, delicacy.
The new twist:

The previous versions:
